Monday, December 30, 2019

Malcolm X Research Paper - 1138 Words

THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MALCOLM X 1 The Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley ABSTRACT 2 Malcolm X had a hard life. He struggled with coexitsting with whites all of his life. He had many trials and tribulations during his time which formed his opinions of races and equality between races. He was taught his earlier opinions by his learning experiences and what he experienced growing up. As he got older he developed a different sense of what racism was and began to form his own leadership with many followers. While a great deal of whites thought he was too outspoken and racist himself, he just wanted to show the world through his own experiences what equality is and he†¦show more content†¦This group offered him the support of people of his own race who felt the same injustices had been done to them. They seemed to understand his struggle and reason for his hatred of white people. The thing Malcolm didnt understand about the group was its nonchalant efforts to unite more people to its cause. He failed to see the group actively engaging in recruitment. He believed the more people of his race on his side would help in the fight to combat the white race into acknowledging the balck race as human beings and that they should have the same rights as whites. It wasnt until he took his first pilgrimage trip, paid for by his sister in hopes of getting him on the right track, that he started to see that not all white people were racist. He began to see that there were whites that welcomed him and treated him as a human being and had ultimately the same goal as he did. He started to change his focus on not separation but equality to all no matter what the race. He saw that these problems were not just from the US but also worldwide and he began to start groups for such cause. He wanted the world to hear him The Autobiography of Malcolm X 5 and he used his own life experiences as the basis for his findings. He began to understand that the hatred he had to all whites was unjust and that it wasnt the whites persay but theShow MoreRelatedCivil War Movement : Martin Luther King Jr Malcolm X1212 Words   |  5 PagesEmuna Korenblit Research paper History 11.21 December 23, 2014 Civil War Movement: Martin Luther King Jr/ Malcolm X Many years after blacks had received citizenship and the right to vote there was still much bias against them. Because of their skin color African Americans hadn’t been treated fairly and did not haveRead MoreA Research on The Civil Rights Movement1448 Words   |  6 Pages Research Paper My research topic is about the Civil Rights Movement (Martin Luther King Jr. Vs Malcolm X) and will be focusing on two important icons that have an important part of African American History. 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