Monday, December 30, 2019

Malcolm X Research Paper - 1138 Words

THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MALCOLM X 1 The Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley ABSTRACT 2 Malcolm X had a hard life. He struggled with coexitsting with whites all of his life. He had many trials and tribulations during his time which formed his opinions of races and equality between races. He was taught his earlier opinions by his learning experiences and what he experienced growing up. As he got older he developed a different sense of what racism was and began to form his own leadership with many followers. While a great deal of whites thought he was too outspoken and racist himself, he just wanted to show the world through his own experiences what equality is and he†¦show more content†¦This group offered him the support of people of his own race who felt the same injustices had been done to them. They seemed to understand his struggle and reason for his hatred of white people. The thing Malcolm didnt understand about the group was its nonchalant efforts to unite more people to its cause. He failed to see the group actively engaging in recruitment. He believed the more people of his race on his side would help in the fight to combat the white race into acknowledging the balck race as human beings and that they should have the same rights as whites. It wasnt until he took his first pilgrimage trip, paid for by his sister in hopes of getting him on the right track, that he started to see that not all white people were racist. He began to see that there were whites that welcomed him and treated him as a human being and had ultimately the same goal as he did. He started to change his focus on not separation but equality to all no matter what the race. He saw that these problems were not just from the US but also worldwide and he began to start groups for such cause. He wanted the world to hear him The Autobiography of Malcolm X 5 and he used his own life experiences as the basis for his findings. He began to understand that the hatred he had to all whites was unjust and that it wasnt the whites persay but theShow MoreRelatedCivil War Movement : Martin Luther King Jr Malcolm X1212 Words   |  5 PagesEmuna Korenblit Research paper History 11.21 December 23, 2014 Civil War Movement: Martin Luther King Jr/ Malcolm X Many years after blacks had received citizenship and the right to vote there was still much bias against them. Because of their skin color African Americans hadn’t been treated fairly and did not haveRead MoreA Research on The Civil Rights Movement1448 Words   |  6 Pages Research Paper My research topic is about the Civil Rights Movement (Martin Luther King Jr. Vs Malcolm X) and will be focusing on two important icons that have an important part of African American History. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Symbolisms in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald Essay

A few symbolisms in novels are as memorable as the green light in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. Shining at the end of Daisy’s dock, it is close enough to be seen, but too far away to be reached. Still, Gatsby, an eternal optimist, stares at it at night, as if it showed him that all his far-away dreams were about to come true. The green light in The Great Gatsby is symbolic of hope, a source of inspiration, and a representation of the American Dream to Gatsby and to the novel’s readers. Gatsby’s aspirations reflect the time period. The â€Å"Roaring Twenties†, as it is called, was a period of prosperity, and the Americans were obsessed with acquiring wealth, and thought that â€Å"those who have wealth should be splendid, happy people†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦The Great Gatsby, first published in 1925, echoes its era, and predicts its tragic end. In the novel, F. Scott Fitzgerald â€Å"revealed the negative side of the period’s gaiety and freedom, portraying wealthy and attractive people leading imperiled lives in gilded surroundings† (Danzer 656).It illustrate â€Å"the dying American Dream and the corruption of historical values†(Bewley 23). The wealthy characters in the book are careless, materialistic and empty, showing the corrupt side of the American Dream, but Gatsby is different. In the novel, Nick describes him as having â€Å"an extraordinary gift for hope, a romantic readiness such I have never found in any other person and which is not likely I shall ever find again† (Fitzgerald 2).He kept believing and fighting for his dreams to the very end, even after it became clear that Daisy would not leave Tom to stay with him. This persistence in following his dream made Gatsby an inspirational character for many people that make the green light their own. For them, it does not only represent Gatsbys dreams, but also their dreams. It showed them that even if your dreams might seem to be impossible, there is always hope (Rimmer). Gatsby’ did not achieve his goals, he believed, and â€Å"he made the American Dream his own, and died by it† (kazin 31). Nick leads us to believe that Gatsby is better than the others, because he is just a desperate man tryingShow MoreRelatedSymbolism Of The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1440 Words   |  6 Pages Katelyn Sullivan Professor Cahan College Writing (CUL-221624-01X) 30 November 2015 Symbolism in The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is considered one of the greatest American novels ever written. A major aspect of the story is its symbolism, which is depicted through Fitzgerald’s views regarding American society in the 1920’s. Two significant elements of symbolism include, the green light and the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg. Each component to the storyline isRead MoreSymbolism Of The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1764 Words   |  8 PagesSymbolism always plays an important role in literature. F. Scott Fitzgerald heavily uses symbolism in the novel The Great Gatsby. Fitzgerald uses specific symbols as a vehicle to drive the main themes throughout the novel. Carelessness of the upper class, false appearances versus reality, and disillusionment of the American dream are all important themes Fitzgerald portrays through his use of symbolism. The use of symbolism throughout the novel The Great Gatsby is key in advancing and uniting theRead MoreSymbolism O f The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1130 Words   |  5 PagesSymbolism is commonly used in literature to change or deepen meanings or instill a different meaning to the mind of the readers. The reader is forced to think, make connections, and succeed in adding a new meaning to the novel. F. Scott Fitzgerald is a master of hiding deeper meanings behind a text as clearly showcased in the novel The Great Gatsby. The â€Å"iceberg theory† describes that only around 20% of the story is directly revealed through text. In comparison to an actual iceberg, that is usuallyRead MoreSymbolism Of The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1060 Words   |  5 Pages1, 2015 Symbolism â€Å"The Great Gatsby† written by F. Scott Fitzgerald takes place during the roaring 20’s, an especially great time for the wealthy. Symbolism is used thoroughly throughout the book to allow us to see how differently people see things and how we are affected by certain things that are out of our control. The color green is used to make us aware of money, wealth, even the future such as the green light at the end of Daisy’s dock. Here it symbolizes the future that Gatsby hopes to resumeRead MoreSymbolism in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald1029 Words   |  4 Pages The symbolism of a book can be a great but yet so small as in the form of a color. In the Great Gatsby, minor things have great importance. In the Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald made sure to give great importance to minor details like color and objects. While the theme of the story is that anyone can gain the American Dream the fast or illegal way but always with a consequence, Fitzgerald pu t great importance into colors and objects. With the most common colors of green, white and yellow showingRead More Symbolism in The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald1628 Words   |  7 PagesSymbolism in The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby is a classic American novel, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald in 1927 about corruption, murder and life in the 1920’s. The true purpose for a writer to compose any piece of literature is to entertain the reader, and this writer does this to the best of his ability. In this well-crafted tale, Fitzgerald presents a fast moving, exciting story, and to any typical reader it can be enjoyed; however, if the reader takes the timeRead MoreColors and Symbolism in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald1290 Words   |  6 PagesSymbolism is the use of symbols to supply things with a representative meaning or to represent something abstract by an existing object. In the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, colours are used to symbolize a person’s inner thoughts and feelings. Colours, such as green, white are used to find ones true feelings; while others use colours to hide their true persona. Colour symbolism is used to convey a deeper message to the read ers and help us understand the characters true colours. Read MoreSymbolism And Symbolism Of The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald993 Words   |  4 PagesH English 10 December 2012 In every piece of great literature authors use symbols to convey a feeling or thought. The novel, For example, Lord the Flies, William Golding memorably uses a conch shell to represent order and the destruction of order. Or in To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee uses the physical and metaphoric sense of the mockingbird to convey the idea of innocence and the loss of innocence. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald employs the use of symbols to enhance a tragic taleRead MoreSymbolism Of The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1725 Words   |  7 Pagesof names further the motif of geography by using them as symbolism to represent some of the aspects in the American society at the time of the 1920s. East Egg symbolizes those from the old days, the West Egg represent those who have or are seeking financial opportunity and are known as â€Å"new money†. the valley of ashes represents the moral, social decay, and financial chaos of the American society at this time. 2.The symbol that Fitzgerald used as the outward manifestation of Gatsby’s wealth is hisRead MoreSymbolism Of The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald901 Words   |  4 PagesSymbolism of Color in Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby was portrayed as one of the greatest novels in American History. But, it is also analyzed as having multiple lenses. This book has been broken down into a ton of symbolisms and it has also been analyzed for every character. The book The Great Gatsby communicates symbolism with the many colors the story line uses and the different way portrays these colors through the settings and plots. The color green is related back to hope. â€Å"He (Gatsby) stretched

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Relationship between entrepreneruship Free Essays

Discuss the relationship between entrepreneurship, innovation and economic development. What role do creativity and problem solving play in this relationship? Refer to both theories and examples from the business world to support your discussion. Since last century, entrepreneurship and innovation have been heavily discussed. We will write a custom essay sample on Relationship between entrepreneruship or any similar topic only for you Order Now Entrepreneurs create new business and provide the Job opportunities to society as well as promote the economic development. However, with the increasing global economic competition, normal entrepreneurship becomes less competitiveness, government committed to develop innovative entrepreneurship in recent years Cukier, 2006). Therefore, the relationship between innovation and entrepreneurship becomes one of the most significant topics in the business field. Economists do a large number of researches to explore the connection between entrepreneurship and innovation as well as the position they related in economic development. During the process of exploring, a considerable amount of definitions are put forward by experts based on their research knowledge and the analysis of entrepreneurs developed in recent decades. This essay will list the definitions put forward by ifferent economists, then support the ideas that innovation, entrepreneurship and economic development are deeply connected and interacted. Finally, combine with the experience of university group entrepreneurship project, attempt to explain importance role that the creativity and problem solving played in this process. Definition of the innovation and entrepreneurship is colored by different economists according to their observation, research and knowledge. From the innovation perspective, one of the most important definitions is related to the Joseph Schumpeter, a pioneer of the innovation management, who put forward a theory ccording to his early studying. Schumpeter (1934) defines innovation as the combination of new goods, new methods of production, the opening of new markets, the conquest of new sources of supply and the carrying out of a new organization of any industry. Jocabs (2007) list several definitions in her article based on her study: Peter Drucker believed that innovation is a process that change and creates a new dimension of performance; Jose Campos, director of the Center for Rapid Innovation considered that innovation is kind of the ability to which can deliver value to a ustomer; David Schmittlen has a deeper opinion, he believed that product is not the only factor innovation related, the processes and approaches to the marketplace is where innovation occur. All these definitions have their limitations and emphasizes, but with the change of the social and economic environment, innovation may have a wider meaning such as Regins Cabral mentioned in his opinion which connect the innovation with the network. From the entrepreneurship perspective, the word â€Å"entrepreneurship† related to many meanings. In the second volume of The Isolated State (1850) provided by Johann von Thunen, he defined the entrepreneurship as a way which earns profits after cutting over all the expenses such as payments to capital, labor and insurance, and needs to take unpredictable risk. Risk part in this theory was supported by Frank Knight, and he believed the only risk that leads to profit is a unique uncertainty resulting from an exercise of ultimate responsibility which in its very nature cannot be insured nor capitalized nor salaried† (Knight, 1921). Joseph Schumpeter is one of the most influential economists in the history. His theory of entrepreneurship heavily ased on his innovation theory and roughly experienced three stages. In the early stage of his studying, his notion of entrepreneurship emphasized newness and innovation, and aimed at encouraging economic development (1928). Later, with more research had been done; Schumpeter gave up the risk-taking, one of the characteristics of entrepreneurship which is agreed by von Thunen and Knight. In the 1940s, Schumpeter’s work on entrepreneurship became broader. In this period, he was no longer limited by original theory, but discussed several types of the entrepreneurs and extended the meaning of entrepreneurship. Another very important definition in history was made by Ludwing von Mises and Friedrich von Hayek. Ludwing von Mises (1963) has different ideas with Schumpeter by stated entrepreneurship involves anticipations of uncertain events rather than innovations. The reason why he said that is because there is a belief that entrepreneur gain profits by correctly anticipating the market and providing the products to customer before the competition driven by a desire for money. The definitions of the innovation and entrepreneurship are of variety, but viewpoint about the relationship between them is quite similar. Peter Drucker mentioned that entrepreneurship and innovation is companion terms, innovation is a tool that entrepreneurship can take advantage of. From the perspective of entrepreneurship, Schumpeter (1928, 1939) mentions that entrepreneurship as the source of the innovation and innovation as the engine of economic development, which emphasize the many attributes and motivation of the entrepreneur. This is an idea which was a leading though, many economist after Schumpeter agree with this idea. From the innovation perspective, economists such as Pretorius and Millard strongly supported he theory which considered a significant innovation is usually the basis of the successful entrepreneurial venture. Consider the opinions above all; innovation and entrepreneurship are deeply interacting with each other. For example, McDonalds’ analyzed the marketplace and consumers’ need; design the new production lines and new methods trained staff. According to the definitions listed before, due to McDonald’s creative new marketplace and consumer, and combine with the improving of the management, it is entrepreneurship. In addition, cause the increasing global economic competition, government as well as individual oncentrate more on the innovative entrepreneurship. Evidences shows that government of The European Union, United States and countries in Asia all published policies to support, lead and value the innovative entrepreneurship due to the large contributions it comes in the future (Cukier 2006). The relationship between innovation and economic growth is closely connected and the relationship between them is mutual. On the one hand, innovation is a source of economic development. According to the Schumpeter (1942), who considered the innovation activity of entrepreneur of a process which provide a creative ‘destruction rocess’ by causing sustain disturbances to an economic system in equilibrium, and create new opportunities to economic. It means that innovation encourages the changes of economy system and creates opportunities which are beneficial to economic development. Peter Drucker is one of the influential economists, stated that the innovation is the central issue in economic prosperity. He listed five principles of innovation and the first one is the innovation beginning with analysis of the opportunities, starting from the small entrepreneurs and aiming at market leadership. In addition, a large amount of the empirical work showed evidence to ndicate that the level of the technological innovation do large contribute to economic performance, both at the companies and industry aspects. Economic development also creates a suitable environment for innovation. A high level economic development is conducive to innovation. The Global Innovative Index, which is established by INSEAD Business School and World Business, it measures the world’s best and worst performing economies with measurement of innovation. It also evaluate the nation’s strengths and weaknesses in their economic development environment especially policies and practices related to innovation. United States, Israel and Switzerland are top three countries. All of these countries have a common strength which is the positive environment for innovation, especially in United States. Government policies are firmly support the development of innovation. For example, Silicon Valley in California, which is the typical example to indicate government policies are essential fact to stimulate innovation. Similar to innovation and economic development, it is widely believed that entrepreneurship and economic development influence each other deeply. Entrepreneurship is beneficial for economic development. Entrepreneurship in the early twentieth century, according to the statement of Cipolla (1981) and Lazonick (1991), plays an essential role in the long-term economic. The contribution to the growth of economy was attributed to entrepreneurs. They seek for new opportunities, diversified the productions and develop a new market. With the change of the economic environment, in middle of the twentieth century, entrepreneurship lost its superiority, however, in the recent decades, with the revolution of the knowledge and technologies; it encouraged the development of entrepreneurship thinking Oovanovic, 1982; Audretsch, 1995). In the perspective of the economic development, entrepreneurs not only create new market but also provide the new ideas to marketplace, and promote the economic growth through a process of fierce competition. However, not all kinds of entrepreneurship are effective for economic development. According to the research by Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), there are two kinds of entrepreneurship. One is â€Å"necessity entrepreneurship† and the other is â€Å"opportunity entrepreneurship†. Necessity entrepreneurship nas a negative ettect on economic development. A typical example of it is that after the fall of Berlin Wall, any workers in socialist countries found them had no options but work for themselves, this necessity entrepreneurship caused several years of negative GDP growth. On the contrary, opportunity entrepreneurship could lead to an economic development. Based on the statistics collected from the eleven countries, entrepreneurship which has multiple opportunities could lead to economic development (Asc, 2006). For one country, due to the fact that different countries have different economic development level, government should fgure out what kind the entrepreneurship is and develop opportunity entrepreneurship. For individuals, it is essential to analyze the opportunities and potential market before starting an enterprise. Creativity and problem solving cannot be ignored in the relationship among the entrepreneurship, innovation and economic development. Creativity is an essential characteristic in the problem solving process and it is usually defined as a process though which invention occurs something new comes into existence (Herbert et al. , 1999), and they also regard creativity as the starting point of the innovation. Analyzing creativity from the entrepreneurship direction, in past several decades, esearchers did a great deal studies to explore the position of creativity in the process of the development of entrepreneurship. Shaw (1996) mentions that opportunity is the first step that entrepreneurship pursued and creativity is the key point to identify business opportunity (Hills and Shrader 1998). Venture capitalist Vinod Khosla also said that no problem means no opportunity, no solution and no company. Therefore, due to the significant position in the entrepreneurial process, creativity is the soul of entrepreneurship (Morris and Kuratko, 2002). Since nnovation, entrepreneurship and economic development is closely connected, creativity is the fundamental of the whole relationship. In university, Entrepreneurship and Business is one of the most important modules which students need to major in. group project is the significant concept to help students to understand entrepreneurship and essential position that creativity in problem solving process. Kirkham, Mosey and Binks (2009) state that the process of problem can be three steps: define, discover and determine. The project started from defines a problem, and then use the creativity thinking to discovery a large amount of olutions. Finally, determine the most effective solution. This process is what the entrepreneurship usually does in their commercial field. Identifying a problem in business, then analyze the business opportunities and use creativity thinking to find potential solutions in the marketplace, eventually decide the most effective way to establish an enterprise. To sum up, entrepreneurship, innovation and economic development are deeply connected. Definition of innovation and entrepreneurship various from people to people, but all these leads to a conclusion that innovation and entrepreneurship are ompanies terms. Innovation is the basis of the entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship as the source of innovation. In addition, in the process of economic development, all evidences show innovation promotes the economic development and an environment which support by government policies encourages the innovation as well. Entrepreneurship benefit to economic development, although only opportunity entrepreneurship has a positive effect to economy. Though the analysis of creativity and problem solving, recognize the importance role it play in the economic development. words: 1896 How to cite Relationship between entrepreneruship, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Project Management Accounting Blending Management

Question: Describe about the Project Management Accounting for Blending Management. Answer: 1. Schedule of Cost of goods manufactured Sold Particulars Amount Amount Op balance of raw material $ 3,247,250.00 Purchase of Raw material $ 425,000.00 Closing Stock of Raw material $ (850,000.00) Raw Material consumed $ 2,822,250.00 Direct Labor costs $ 864,000.00 Manufacturing Overhead $ 1,350,000.00 Total Manufacturing costs $ 5,036,250.00 Change in Work in process inventory $ (156,250.00) Cost of goods manufactured $ 4,880,000.00 op balance of Finished goods inventory $ 320,000.00 Cost of goods available for sale $ 5,200,000.00 Closing balance of finished goods inventory $ (1,200,000.00) Cost of Goods Sold $ 4,000,000.00 Raw Material Particular Amount Particular Amount Op balance (balancing Figure) $ 3,247,250.00 Work in process $ 2,822,250.00 Purchase of Raw material $ 425,000.00 Closing Stock of Raw material $ 850,000.00 Total $ 3,672,250.00 Total $ 3,672,250.00 WIP Particular Amount Particular Amount Op balance $ 240,000.00 Cost of goods manufactured $ 4,880,000.00 Raw material (balancing figure) $ 2,822,250.00 Direct Labor $ 864,000.00 Manufacturing OH $ 1,350,000.00 Closing balance $ 396,250.00 Total $ 5,276,250.00 Total $ 5,276,250.00 Workings: Statement Showing Calculation of Closing WIP Particular Amount Direct Material $ 140,000.00 Direct Labor costs $ 100,000.00 Manufacturing overhead $ 156,250.00 Closing balance $ 396,250.00 The overhead absorption rate is calculated by using this formula: OHR= Budgeted Overhead/ Budgeted labor hours Calculation of Overhead Absorption Rate Particular Amount Budgeted Overhead $ 1,000,000.00 Budgeted Labor Hour 200000 Overhead Absorption rate $ 5.00 The overhead absorption rate is calculated by using this formula: LHR= labor cost / labor hours Calculation of labor Hour Rate Particular Amount Labor Cost $ 100,000.00 Direct Labor Hour 31250 labor Hour rate $ 3.20 Note: Labor hour rates are calculated from the figures of WIP given in the question Accounts payable Particular Amount Particular Amount Bank account $ 430,000.00 Op balance $ 70,000.00 Closing balance $ 65,000.00 Raw Material purchased (balancing figure) $ 425,000.00 Total $ 495,000.00 Total $ 495,000.00 Finished Goods Particular Amount Particular Amount Op balance $ 320,000.00 Cost of jobs sold $ 4,000,000.00 Cost of goods manufactured (balancing figure) $ 4,880,000.00 closing balance $ 1,200,000.00 Total $ 5,200,000.00 Total $ 5,200,000.00 2. Income Statement for the month of July 2016 Particulars Amount Sales $ 6,000,000.00 Less: Cost of Goods Sold $ (4,000,000.00) Gross Profit $ 2,000,000.00 Less: Selling and Administrative Costs $ (400,000.00) Net Profit $ 1,600,000.00 3. The cost of a product can be measured using various cost accounting techniques. The two popular methods are Process costing and Job costing (DRURY 2012). The Job costing technique is used to calculate the cost of a particular contract or job that is unique in nature. The process costing computes the costs that are charged in each process (De Zoysa et al. 2014). The difference between the process costing and job costing are given below: Basis Process costing Job Costing Meaning The method in which the cost that is charged to various process and operations are determined is known as process costing (Chak and Fung 2015). The Job costing is a process that calculates the cost of a particular contract or job (Fullerton et al. 2014). Nature Productions are standardized. Productions are customized. Cost Costs are first determined for the processes are then allocated to the units. Costs for each job are calculated. Cost Center Process Job Cost reduction High Low Transfer Costs are transferred from one process to another (Fullerton et al. 2013). No transfer of costs Ascertainment of cost At the end of the cost period At the completion of job Industry Suitable for industry where mass production is done. Suitable for industry where products are manufactured as per customers specification. 4. There are two systems for records keeping of inventory this are perpetual inventory system and periodic inventory system. In the periodic inventory system the inventory balance are not continuously updated (Uyar and Kuzey 2016). The purchases are recorded in the purchase account and the cost of goods sold account does not exist in this system. The cost of goods sold is determined by a closing entry at the end of the accounting period. In the perpetual inventory system, the cost of goods sold and the inventory balances are updated regularly. The purchases are directly recorded in the inventory account (Nixon and Burns 2012). For sales two entries are passed one at the sales value and other at the cost of goods sold. The purchase account is not useful in the perpetual inventory system. Based on the above discussions it can be concluded that as production reports requires monthly updates of cost of goods sold and inventory so monthly production report is an example of perpetual inventor y system (Otley 2016). Reference Chak, S.C. and Fung, H., 2015. Exploring the effectiveness of blended learning in cost and management accounting: An empirical study. InNew Media, Knowledge Practices and Multiliteracies(pp. 189-203). Springer Singapore. De Zoysa, A., Bhati, S. and De Zoysa, M., 2014. A survey of cost and management accounting practices in Sri Lanka. DRURY, C.M., 2013.Management and cost accounting. Springer. Fullerton, R.R., Kennedy, F.A. and Widener, S.K., 2013. Management accounting and control practices in a lean manufacturing environment.Accounting, Organizations and Society,38(1), pp.50-71. Fullerton, R.R., Kennedy, F.A. and Widener, S.K., 2014. Lean manufacturing and firm performance: The incremental contribution of lean management accounting practices.Journal of Operations Management,32(7), pp.414-428. Nixon, B. and Burns, J., 2012. The paradox of strategic management accounting.Management Accounting Research,23(4), pp.229-244. Otley, D., 2016. The contingency theory of management accounting and control: 19802014.Management Accounting Research,31, pp.45-62. Uyar, A. and Kuzey, C., 2016. Does management accounting mediate the relationship between cost system design and performance?.Advances in Accounting.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Difference in Methods Used by the French Jesuits and the Spanish Franciscans in the New World

The Catholic and Protestant churches made many efforts in order to spread their beliefs in the New World and to convert the Native Americans. The most successful were the French Jesuits and the Spanish Franciscans.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Difference in Methods Used by the French Jesuits and the Spanish Franciscans in the New World specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Spanish converted thousands of Indians in South and Central America: Mexico, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador, while the French settled in New France that included modern Canadian and US territory: Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Main, New York, Louisiana and Illinois. Historically, both orders had the same religious pursuits; however the methods used by them were different. The Franciscans converted more people than Jesuits due to the use of their methods of mass compulsion with the help of power and weapons. Aft er Columbus discovery, Queen Isabella and Pope Alexander VI claimed the importance of converting the Native Americans to Christianity. Franciscans arrived to the New Spain in 1524 and got the success, spreading their religion. However, although they converted many thousands of people, it is important to notice that the faith of the population of New World was weak and, moreover, they created a new religion combining the local beliefs with elements of Christianity (Hannon, 2010). Sanctioned by Queen and Pope, the Spanish Franciscans used all possible methods, including the use of power, weapons, and executions. According to the article Native American Voices, in Mexico, the Central and South America, the Spanish Franciscans used Native Americans as a free labor material (â€Å"Native American Voices†). Obviously, such measures led to the fear and submission of Indians. The French Jesuits, known as the Soldiers of Christ, arrived to the New World one century after Spanish, in 1 625. They used methods of persuasion and negotiation instead of force. Thereby, although a number of converted by Jesuits Indians was not huge, but their faith was real and deep. Indians were astonished by the ability of the French to read and write and step by step adopted the new culture. At the same time, the Spanish tortured Indians and destroyed their cultural objects, persecuting those people who did not want to adopt the new traditions. The French tried to find the similarities between the Christian and Indian traditions, for instance, the wear of black robes during the ceremony.Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For both orders, education of the Native Americans was an important issue that could help spreading Christianity. Jesuits and Franciscans taught Indians sciences, culture and ethic. However, the Native Americans, and especially the population of the Central and South America, had a long history and original and unique culture and traditions. Therefore, the way of combination of the European and Indian traditions chosen by the French Jesuits was much more appropriate and adequate. The outcome of the work of French Jesuits and the Spanish Franciscans was different. The Spanish wanted to convert as more as possible Indians in spite of the real quality of their faith. For the Native Americans, Christianity had not been viewed as an inviting religion due to the force and tortures. The French missionaries did not use power and weapons, trying to convince Indians. For Jesuits, the main idea of Christianity as the peaceful religion was major power and argument into the process of converting. Jesuits used all possible methods in order to integrate Christianity, not to separate it and replace the traditional beliefs. Therefore, their work was more effective. Works Cited Hannon, Sharon M. â€Å"Birth of a New World Religion.† When Words Collid e: The Untold Story of the Americas after Columbus. 2010. Web. Native American Voices n.d. Web. This essay on The Difference in Methods Used by the French Jesuits and the Spanish Franciscans in the New World was written and submitted by user Rylie Barlow to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How to Resolve Awkward Identifying Descriptions

How to Resolve Awkward Identifying Descriptions How to Resolve Awkward Identifying Descriptions How to Resolve Awkward Identifying Descriptions By Mark Nichol Writers often fail to note that a phrase they have constructed to describe a person, place, or thing- one that involves two parallel components, or one component subordinate to another, in sequence- can result in unwieldy strings of nouns functioning as adjectives leading up to a key noun. In each of the following sentences, following a discussion of the problem, such a train of stacked adjectives is uncoupled and rearranged for improved readability in one or more revisions. 1. â€Å"Our idea and concept was to build a small place to entertain our friends and to have some foodies and chef friends around to create new and imaginative dishes,† co-owner chef Stefan Stiller said in a statement. The conjunction and should separate two disparate identifying words or phrases associated with a person’s name: â€Å"‘Our idea and concept was to build a small place to entertain our friends and to have some foodies and chef friends around to create new and imaginative dishes,’ co-owner and chef Stefan Stiller said in a statement.† (A solidus, or slash, could be inserted to separate the terms, but this symbol should be avoided in formal writing.) An alternative is to use the person’s name to divide the identifying terms: â€Å"‘Our idea and concept was to build a small place to entertain our friends and to have some foodies and chef friends around to create new and imaginative dishes,’ co-owner Stefan Stiller, a chef, said in a statement,† However, it would be more appropriate to identify the speaker first as a chef and then as a co-owner. 2. FBI Criminal Investigation Division Deputy Assistant Director John Smith emphasized the potential for both the industry and regulators to benefit by improving collaboration. When a name is preceded by a cumbersome job title, and especially if that is preceded by a reference to the entity by which the person is employed, the information is easier to read if it follows the name and the train of terms is relaxed by beginning with the job title, followed by â€Å"of the† and the entity’s name: â€Å"John Smith, deputy assistant director of the FBI’s Criminal Investigation Division, emphasized the potential for both the industry and regulators to benefit by improving collaboration.† (Note that the job title is not capitalized when it does not precede the person’s name.) 3. The Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists Fifteenth Annual Anti-Money Laundering and Financial Crime Conference begins on April 1. The same approach is appropriate when the name of a component of an entity or an event presented by an entity is combined with the name of the entity: â€Å"The fifteenth annual Anti-Money Laundering and Financial Crime Conference of the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists begins on April 1.† (Note that a reference to how many of these events have been held at regular intervals, such as â€Å"fifteenth annual,† is seldom part of an event’s official designation and therefore is usually not capitalized.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Words for Facial ExpressionsUsed To vs. Use ToWriting a Thank You Note

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Microsoft Company Adaptation to the Global, Social, and Economic Essay

Microsoft Company Adaptation to the Global, Social, and Economic Changes since 1990 - Essay Example Nevertheless, some companies not only managed to remain afloat, but also raked in huge profits during those trying times. This paper seeks to analyze the major changes that rocked through the United States of America, and how various companies in the country managed to steer through the tough times. In particular, the paper places much focus on the performance of the Microsoft Company from 1990 to the current times (Ponzio, 2009:48). In the 1990s, the US underwent the second-longest era of growth ever seen in the country’s history. The country’s fiscal position grew at a mean rate of about 3.5% per annum. In addition, the country’s unemployment figures decreased to a level that, at one time, was below 4%. The nation’s stock market experienced drastic and interesting gains. This resulted in most of the country’s biggest business ventures raking in abnormal profits. Virtually all of the country’s population managed to be in a position to buy th eir own houses to live in during that particular era (Marlene, 2009:113). However, this blessed era ended towards the end of 2001, when the country’s monetary position growth rate radically fell after an unprecedented collapse in its major industry sector, the complex technology sector. The American economy is, by far, the most ideal in the world. However, it has always faced numerous troubles. The nation consists of very many manufacturing industries which products and goods get their respective markets locally. However, the industries, since 1990, were unable to satisfy the total consumer demand for various products and services. This has resulted in the United States having to keep an imbalance in their foreign trade as they have to import much more than they export. Because of the 1990s boom growth, the American economy developed a two-tier fiscal position. This resulted in some percentage of the country’s population attaining outsized incomes while the rest wallow ed in poverty. In addition, the era brought complex and continuous technology into the work areas. This has had the effect of restraining the country’s unskilled employees in minimum-pay or casual jobs, with no hope of advancement up the corporate ladder. By the start of 1999, a sizeable percentage of America’s population, amounting to about 12%, was still wallowing below the poverty line. In general, the country’s fiscal position has drastically improved since the dawn of the 1990s. However, a large quota of the profits realized in the country end up in the pockets of only about 20% of the total population (Marlene, 2009:147). By 1999, the most successful percentage of the country’s population amounting to about 10%, managed to earn about 29% of the nation’s fiscal profits while the bottom 10% of the nation’s citizen managed to accrue only about 1.4%. Though the country’s economy exhibits a great deal of diversity, services are the m ain constituents of the economy. In 1994, the services industry dominated about 80% of America’s GDP. Manufacturing dominated around only 18% while the country’s agricultural arm only had 2% (Ponzio, 2000:159). The Microsoft Company came into being because of the idea of William Gates in conjunction with Paul Allen. Initially, the venture offered only one product. It employed only three workers,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 10

Project Management - Essay Example The wildly important in the front row in mind is establishing an insurance company. Insurance company is an institution that focusses on insuring people on losses or damages. However, one can also insure himself or herself for any damage to oneself. It can be either death insurance or accident insurance. The insurance company will have other programs to help the needy. Hence, apart from insurance services, the company will have to work with institutions that have programs to help the needy. There are many options of who I would want to be in the future. Every person has a dream to be someone or somebody later. I prefer to be a great entrepreneur. An entrepreneur is an individual who identifies a business opportunity and gathers necessary goods and services to establish a business. Great people in the world have their dignity earned through their exceptional entrepreneurial skills. For example, Bill Gates, Edward Buffett and Carlos Slim gain their publicity due to the great entrepreneurship skills they have. Project management is the process of controlling certain activities that are essential towards achieving individual set goals. Project management is essential in aiding achievement of objectives. It gives a clear outline of how to carry out work to achieve the set objective. However, project management aids in avoiding time wastage, misuse of resources and helps in analyzing SWOT analysis. It is vital to have a goal in life. It helps in avoiding unnecessary activities. Project management is essential in helping achieve set goals. A goal is in association with a plan. Hence, failing to have a plan is planning to

Monday, November 18, 2019

Ethical Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethical - Case Study Example Ethical dilemmas often result from matters of law, health science field and stands of different individuals and organizations on issues related to human morals. The church, especially the Catholic has created a great deal of controversies on condom use as one way of limiting down the spread of HIV/Aids pandemic. This has not been taken well by the greater world community. A dilemma faced by the elderly and the sick individuals in the society is a choice to lead a fruitful life free from negligence. This does not spare the healthy individuals who find themselves at cross-roads when one of their loved ones falls sick or ages. There is a conflict between the code of ethics depicted by workers concerning a patient’s privacy and the issue of solving the problem they are facing (Kathleen & James, 2007). The reporting of the case concerning Mr Bert to the administration violated the code of confidentiality. She ended up breaking Steven’s confidence in her as well as giving out information on the patient. The workers in health facilities have codes to observe in the line of their

Friday, November 15, 2019

Platos Cave Analysis

Platos Cave Analysis Imagine a subterranean cave in which humans are shackled by their necks to a single place. They have been held there all of their lives. Fires placed behind the group by unseen forces have left these prisoners to see their own shadows play upon a screen. Those held are not even aware that the images and shadows that they see are themselves. Yet, these shadows hold sway; the prisoners are fascinated. The illusion so effective, that the prisoners do not recognize their imprisonment and are satisfied to live their lives in this way. What would happen if one of these prisoners would be set free? The prisoner would be helpless, his eyes would be overloaded, and he could not stand up on his own. Inundated with sensory information, his mind would refuse to accept what the senses were submitting as true. It would not be surprising if anyone released from such a prison would wish to stay. Stay with the known. Stay with what is comfortable. Not for our prisoner though. Our prisoner, forced to turn away from the fire, begins a long uncomfortable journey through a tunnel toward a blinding light coaxed by the liberator toward the uncomfortable. The light is blinding. Finally emerging from the cave, eyes burning, senses raging, the prisoner soon finds a new, unimaginable world. No longer fascinated by shadow, the prisoner is free to learn about the world, and more importantly, themselves. This paper will explore how this story has been translated to modern audiences through the film, The Matrix (Wachowski Bros 1999). Platos cave myth has been a wonderful allegory for the quest for knowledge for 2,400 years. Plato published this cave myth in The Republic; the allegory of the cave is arguably the most famous section of this work. What may come as a surprise to many is that there are parallels to the cave myth in many of todays contemporary stories. One of which, is the tale of Neo in The Matrix (Wachowski Bros 1999). Who can forget the image when Neo wakes to find himself bound in a tube, he struggles free, released from his prison, he is made to grasp the truth of his life and the world. He finds that all of his life up to that point has been an elaborate illusion created for him to hide him from the fact that he been held prisoner his entire life. This paper will show that both of these stories reflect a Socratic search for knowledge and a deeper understanding of the good. The myth of the cave is an allegory in which we follow our prisoner on his quest for what Socrates, Platos teacher, referred to as the just life (Plato: The Republic). Socrates primary concern was that our souls be in the best condition possible (Plato: Phaedo). The way in which this is accomplished is through examination and questioning ones place within the world. The cave myth gives a literary account of the Socratic Method, as well an example as to the logic and approach of Socrates relentless questioning. In this way, we have a view into Socrates methodology, and furthermore, into Socrates notion for care of the soul (Plato: Phaedo). Socrates care of the soul is comprised of these four elements: beliefs in meaning, admission of ignorance, questioning of reality, and hope in an answer, or to put it another way, trust in the knowledge of the good (Plato: Phaedo). On this subject of care of the soul, there is a deep comparability between The Matrix (Wachowski Bros 1999)and Platos a llegory (Plato: The Republic). We can make a closer examination into the comparison between Neo and our prisoner on his quest for the care of the soul. Like the allegory of the Cave, The Matrix dramatically conveys the view that ordinary appearances do not depict true reality and that gaining the truth changes ones life. Using the ideas of care of the soul, we are asked to examine belief in meaning. Saying this differently we are asked to believe what we hold to be true. The prisoners can differentiate shadows and sounds, apply names to the shadows depicting things and even discern the patterns in their presentation. To this extent, they have some true beliefs and some false assumptions, but before the discussion regresses into a metaphysical exercise; whether or not a thing is a thing because we name it so, or whether or not the thing has its own inherent thingness it is safe to say that we can all hold some things to be true. However, there are things that are mysterious to all in the case of the cave and in The Matrix. In both stories, there is omnipresent image of the unseen hand at work; those who are responsible for the structure of the cave and the world in which the matrix exists. In an online posting, John Partridge, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Wheaton College, explores the correlation between these two stories. He suggests that, Many contemporary readers recoil at the awful politics of the Cave. Who, after all, are the puppeteers? Why do they deceive their fellow cave dwellers (Partridge)? It is only through the understanding and realization that there is an unseen hand, or truths with which we had been oblivious, that we can fully come to learn the truth. For the prisoner, it is through his release that he comes to realize that his notion of truth is skewed. For Neo, he had been suspicious of his reality for some time and seeks understanding. The fascinating thing for Neo is that when his situation comes to a head and he finally meets Morpheus, his liberator and teacher, he is informed that he cannot be told what is untrue, he must be shown. Interestingly, Neo is afforded a choice, the path of ignorance in the form of a blue pill or the path of knowledge in the form of a red pill. The taking of the red pill is an admission of ignorance. In this way, the notion of admission of ignorance is forced on him in the form of a choice. The prisoner and Neo are similar, they must be brought into the light of knowledge, and into the admission of their own ignorance. The similari ties continue, they both share a common path to understanding that their notions of truth have been given to them and that reality itself is not what it seems. Conversely, there are some differences between the two stories by way of the coming to admission of ignorance and the understanding of truth. Neos path to understanding truth is one that starts out with him living comfortably with the sneaking suspicion that there is a something not quite right with the world. His quest to understand what is wrong with the world leads him inexorably into a very dark and dystopian reality filled with conflict and misery. Their only purpose is as food for the machines. Furthermore, it is a world with people forced underground. His quest literally leads him into the cave. By contrast, we have the story of the prisoner. The prisoner is released from bondage. He/She did not actively seek to understand their world or acquire new knowledge. He/She would have been just as happy watching shadows on the screen. The path to understanding may have been difficult and uncomfortable, but in the end, the prisoner is lead to the light of knowledge, a utopian world wi thin which the prisoner is now truly free. Neo, knowing what being a prisoner means, has his greatest fears realized when he discovers that he has always been a slave and is now relegated to a fearful existence. The prisoner, on the other hand, comes to the realization of what being a prisoner means, and is delighted with his/her new life. Thus, we have the juxtaposition of the objective versus the subjective. The next tenet of understanding Socrates care of the soul is the questioning of reality. Released from the illusory world, our prisoner is lead down the path of understanding. Socrates states, and then conceive some one saying to him, that what he saw before was an illusion, but that now, when he is approaching nearer to being and his eye is turned towards more real existence, he has a clearer vision, what will be his reply (Plato: The Republic)? What would his reply be? He would be drawn into questioning everything after he now believes that he had been mystified all this time. This is where we would find Neo brought back into the matrix for training by Morpheus, again we have an inverse of realities but the aims are the same. The prisoner is coming to question and understand the real world. Neo is coming to question and understand the unreal world of the matrix. Now we are diving into the world of the metaphysical. Discerning whether we can determine reality in either of these two worlds is a real problem. Partridge states, Since the real world and the simulated world are worlds in which the senses receive information, the practical problem is not that they are discontinuous, but that they are indiscernible (Partridge). This is a real problem for Neo; as we find after his kung fu training with Morpheus, when his teacher questions Neos understanding of reality, You believe your really breathing? He is later told, coming upon a child bending spoons with his mind in Yuri Gellar fashion, that he will only come to understand the real nature of the matrix once he comes to understand that in the matrix, there is no spoon (The Matrix). It seems as though the differences between the two tales on a metaphysical level does not inhibit them from sending a similar message. They both send the message of the unreliability of the epistemological information gathered through the senses. They stress a need to disconnect from the senses in order to attain genuine knowledge. The stories also wonderfully illustrate the psychological hardship that is placed on the characters having to do so. Thus, the question, by what means does Neo come to discover hope in an answer or trust in his knowledge of the good. For our prisoner, the question is answered very succinctly, Last of he will be able to see the sun, and not mere reflections of him in the water, but he will see him in his own proper place, and not in another; and he will contemplate him as he is Clearly, he said, he would first see the sun and then reason about him (Plato: The Republic). For Neo hope in answer comes in a much more personal form. After many trials, the film climaxes with Neo coming to grips with the fact that he has been The One all along. Coaxed into questioning his reality by Morpheus, he is left to follow the path of self-realization on his own. In this way, he can develop his own care of the soul. He overcame the introduction of self-doubt in the form of the oracle. He overcame the overpowering force of the agents to become reborn, phoenix like, to the understanding of himself. This revelation would prove to be extremely transformative. Clearly, he has come to grips with his knowledge and belief in the good. Partridge claims, There is a single item the knowledge of which makes the knower more integrated and more powerful, and for Neo it is self-knowledge. The same message holds true for our prisoner. It is through the knowing of the true self, which causes the prisoner to become productive, a savior of himself and others. After the prisoners revel ation of the good, his first thoughts are of the others in the cave. They both have come to know of Socrates primary concern of care of the soul, trust in the knowledge of the good. Finally, we look to ourselves concerning what these stories tell us. It is the path of knowledge that is placed before us and the stakes are for the care of the soul. For Neo, his quest was to take him through the trials and hardships of self-realization that he would have to endure so that he might come to know for himself that he was indeed The One. Our prisoners quest mirrors this. Ultimately, we are drawn to Socratic questions; in what ways are we living diminished lives? Are we resting on our own ideas of knowledge? Are we even asking the right questions? It is through the stinging realization of our own ignorance that we are finally able to start our own paths toward the understanding of the good. Plato makes it plain when he uses Socrates to tell us that we are all prisoners in the cave. If any doubt this, recall the position we are in when go to see movies such as The Matrix itself. Imagine a dark world filled with people watching shadows on a screenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Health Benefits of Yoga Essays -- yoga, health benefits, meditation

Yoga is a practice that anyone of any age can complete anywhere at anytime. It originated in ancient India and is estimated to be nearly five thousand years old. Through yoga, one is able to find his or her path to peaceful bliss within him or her self (Finney 25). The mind and the body become balanced with each other, giving one the sense of enlightenment (The Magic of...Meditation). Depending on the styles and poses a person is to choose, yoga benefits a person not only physically, but mentally as well. Any gender at any age or health level has the capability to do yoga because it has various styles, poses, and tempos at which they are performed. Different yoga postures have specific effects on breaking up obstacles in your body, so that a force called prana is able to penetrate more deeply. Prana is a life force that gives the mind more clarity, so that one is able to think more clearly and thoroughly about things. Through yoga, prana is moved, and it makes the body move and feel better. While in different yoga poses, prana is spread through the body because with each intake of breath, it is pushed deep into the body. Breathing acts as a motor, and it helps prana flow through the body (The Magic of...Meditation). There are thousands of different varieties of yoga, which is how it helps a large sum of people in a diverse number of ways. One style is called Ananda. This yoga gains control over delicate energies in the body. It helps spiritual growth while it releases unwanted tension. The Ananda poses are designed to bring energy upwards to the brain, and through these poses, harmony is brought to the body, mind, and emotions (Cook). A unique style of yoga, called Bikram yoga, focuses on breathing and concentrating, and it re... ... and deeds- let there be perfection. What is a perfect act? One that brings some benefit to somebody and no harm to anybody. The reward of service is the joy of having served. When you have that joy, the mind is always calm and serene" (Finney 35). This quote shows the relationship as a whole between yoga and the benefits it brings into one’s life. Yoga is enjoyable, relaxing, and very beneficial. It eases tension in the body and mind, and helps one to have a more positive outlook on life. No matter which style of yoga one is to choose, there will be some sort of benefit. One should keep in mind to pay attention to their breath to monitor their feelings and try to be as relaxed as possible to comfort the relationship between the mind and body. Depending on the styles and poses a person is to choose, yoga benefits a person not only physically, but mentally as well.