Saturday, February 29, 2020

Team Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Team Paper - Essay Example As the fields of criminal justice and drug offenders’ treatment are getting a lot of help from the drug courts, the number of drug courts all over the world is significantly increasing. Drug courts are improving the judicial system because they provide leadership for the treatment of offenders, provide supervision as a vital component of the drug courts and it also helps in improving communication between the offenders and the drug court teams. Apart from the cons related to drug courts, drug courts are not only helping those people who are brought to such places by their relatives for the purpose of drug addiction treatment, but also it has proved to be a great place for such people who really want to get treatment, not a forced one by their relatives. Bewley-Taylor (1999) found that drug courts are important for drug offenders because they provide the offenders with such treatment programs which may result in dismissal of the charges and lesser penalties. A model drug court includes incorporation of drug testing into case processing, creation of an association between a defendant and the court, sending the defendants for treatment soon after identification, providing access to a range of not only treatment but also rehabilitation services and observing self-denial through drug testing. Nolan (2001) found that a single agency can’t alone tackle drug and crime offenders, so drug courts work in cooperation with judge s, court personnel and treatment providers. A large number of drug court evaluations have been done over a decade mainly focusing on two outcomes; criminal recidivism and rates of retention and completion. After discussing pros and cons of drug courts, it is recommended for the county to create an operational drug court which will not only help the government and the tax payers in saving money but also will help in reducing case load of judicial courts. Use of

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Business Communication and ICT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Business Communication and ICT - Essay Example Contrary to this widely held notion, most messages are communicated through nonverbal clues. Empirical research conducted on this topic suggests that almost 90% of meaning of a message is transmitted in nonverbal forms. Verbal as well as non verbal communications stimuli are critical when transacting business. The two may determine its success or failure in equal measure. Nonverbal communication forms an integral part of communication within businesses. Most businesses utilize the following elements of nonverbal communication: eye contact, gestures, facial expression, appearance and dressing, posture, and written communication. Nonverbal communication underlines the power relationships in the business setting. The key function of nonverbal communication is to facilitate relationships within the business. These relationships incorporate managers, authorities, staff, and customers. The triumph of a business is pegged on effective communication between within these relationships (Goby 2 007, p.432). Goby (2007, p.432) concludes that, in business interactions, appropriate eye contact is critical in businesses since it helps the audience to build trust in the sender. In a business setting, the receivers of a message rely on visual clues in deciding whether to attend to or dismiss the message. Communicators should establish a close eye contact with their audiences as it promoted openness. Good eye contact also enhances building of trust between sender and receiver. People will unlikely buy products or services from a sales person who declines to make constant eye contact. The buyer may deem the seller to be unconvinced about the product and hence treat him/her suspiciously. Facial expressions also form part of nonverbal... This essay focuses on discussing the issue of nonverbal communication that expresses thoughts without using spoken words. Good communication is the groundwork of successful relationships, whether personal, professional, or even in business Nonverbal communication is a powerful tool of communication. This type of communication also utilizes clues that make the message appealing to the recipient as it is stated in the essay. Effective nonverbal communication has an immense contribution to businesses since it provides the parties with a means of interpreting their thoughts and attitudes. Employees within a business engage in frequent communication with its clients, suppliers, personnel, government personnel, and the media. The researcher discusses that Information Communications and Technologies that are a main focus of the second part of the essay enhance the ability of businesses to reduce transaction costs while improving speed and dependability. It is also mentioned in the essay tha t such communication type also cuts down on inefficiencies arising from poor coordination between firms in the value chain hence extracting highest value from transactions. Information Communications and Technologies today also avail effective communication tools for communication between managers, employees, and clients. In conclusion, the researcher mentiones that when well integrated, ICTs has the potential of improving the firm’s performance in terms of amplified market share, extended product range, and tailored products for clients.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Project Management(file one) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Project Management(file one) - Essay Example The activity is determined by Mean = (o + 4m + p)/6. Its variance will be given by activity (Variance) = ((p - o)/6)2. The value attained is the z-value which can be related in the z-tables to give the probability of completing the project in time (Phillips, 2004). The CPM/PERT technique were used alongside the base lines for cost, work and schedule variances. The assumption taken was that the duration of activities was established with certainty. The realistic duration will make up to precisely as estimated (Oduwole, 2002). Nonetheless, in actual activities, this is impossible and several projects entail variability in activity times owing to factors like lack of previous experience, breakdown of equipment, erratic weather conditions. Besides, late supply of deliveries is an impediment. PERT analysis is applicable when activity durations are not known with precision. It constitutes three estimates of the activity duration as opposed to the single value analysis identified with CPM: The base line conditions for this report assessed and evaluated the situation of work considering the baseline and actual reporting. For instance, a deviation in the original budget is captured and observed in the percentage of work covered, the budget allocation and the amount of work remaining. This is a useful piece to learn from since the project manager can read the variance with ease and try to correct any change in project scope (Oduwole, 2002). This is the significance of using project management techniques to monitor and evaluate work progress. Any work related delays will be easily identified and correction made by observing the cause of such changes (Heerkens, 2007). Similarly, the schedule can be monitored for deviation. The possible correction to schedule is to check on the capability of the manpower or work force (Cleland, & Ireland, 2006). If work is going slowly than expected, it may mean that